The mission of the Flagstaff Ski & Snowboard Team is to help families develop extraordinary human beings through our junior alpine sports programs. Serving Flagstaff since 1967, we are a 501c3 non-profit organization. We support two teams – the Flagstaff Alpine Ski Team (FAST) and Grand Canyon Freeride Team (GCFT) and offer Arizona’s only junior winter alpine sports teams.
This certification provides an amazing resource and partnership between U.S Ski and Snowboard and podium certified clubs. The U.S Ski and Snowboard’s Development Program main goal is to collect, synthesize and analyze information and to report what works across all U.S regions.
Opportunities for the Bronze level clubs include professional development for staff with an invitation to provide content for Club Development resources, opportunity to present at regional and national Club Excellence Conferences and participation in forums and round table discussions with peers on a national and regional level. It also includes the access to club development expert consultants, support in areas of organizational performance relating to athletics, business, community and discounted rates on specific consulting services.